  CA-Licensed Psychologist PSY 17407
HI-Licensed Psychologist PSY 738


Specializing in child and adolescent psychology with emphasis on providing evidence-based interventions and psychosocial treatment to culturally diverse youth, families, and children’s systems at the point of need.


  1. Independent educational consultation for parents and students.  Behavioral and mental health experts will meet with parents/legal guardians/caregivers to gather information and review pertinent records to be able to:
    • Provide parents with an objective evaluation, information, guidance, and support to address their child’s social-emotional, behavioral, psychological, and educational needs.
    • Evaluate and develop a plan to address areas of concern.
    • Help parents insure the school setting or services are appropriate for their child.
    • Support, monitor, and advocate for parents with programs and staff.
  2. School and classroom consultation to schools and teachers for behavioral management.  Consultation will include observation and evaluation of classroom management practices.  Baseline data will be collected on effective classroom management practices and goals will be developed accordingly.
  3. Outcomes and program evaluation in schools and child-serving agencies and programs.  Consultation will include an assessment of the systems for data collection, current data collected, and data to be collected for compliancy and program evaluation based on logic models.
  4. Organizational development for school and child-serving agencies to achieve strategic goals, maximize staff productivity with efficient and effective processes, and compliancy with laws and regulations (e.g., HIPAA). 
  5. Medi-cal – Specialized mental health treatment billing and quality assurance processes.
  6. Funding opportunities to support school-wide positive behavior support implementation and other evidence-based mental health interventions.

Professional Development

Workshops, training, supervision, and coaching available for the following topics:

  1. Behavior management and application of positive behavior supports in schools, classrooms, residential facilities, group homes, and for individuals.
  2. Evidence-based psychosocial treatments (e.g., Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment) for emotional and behavioral disorders.
  3. Maximizing medi-cal billing.

Mental Health Treatment

  1.  Diagnosis and evaluation
  2. Evidence-based psychosocial treatment (individual, family, and group)
    • Individual therapy examples: Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment (CBT), Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Treatment (TF-CBT); Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Adolescents (IPT-A)
    • Group therapy examples:  Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression
    • Family examples:  Parent management training (PMT)
  3. Behavioral services


  1. Psychological Testing
  2. Independent Educational Testing
  3. Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Support Plan development.


Campbell, CA Castillo Sumi Consulting, LLC